Apr 18 2010

Melani døbt!

Helligåndskirken Frederikshavn

Endnu en søndag med dåb! Denne gang var det Pastor Jude som kunne byde det nye medlem af menigheden og kirken velkommen. Stort tillykke til de stolte forældre Rani og Robin. Efter messen blev hele menigheden indbudt til en hyggelig reception med kaffe/te, saft til de mange børn samt kager, deriblandt enkelte lækre tamilske specialiteter. Mange tak for endnu en festlig dåbssøndag!


Yet another Sunday with a christening! This time it was with our parish priest Pastor Jude who could welcome the new member to our congregation and the church. Congratulations to the proud parents Rani and Robin. After mass the whole congregation was invited to a cosy reception with coffee, tea and fruit juice to the many children plus lots of delicious home made cakes; many of them from traditional Tamils recipes. Many thanks for yet another festive Sunday with a christening.

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