Apr 30 2010

Kalenderen opdateret

Helligåndskirken Frederikshavn

Så er alle messetiderne samt lektor listen ajourført til og med d. 30. maj.

Læsninger til d. 5. søndag i Påsketiden

  • 1. læs.: Ap.G  k 14,  v.21b -27
  • 2. læs.: Åb. k  21, v. 1 – 5a
  • Ev.: Joh. k 13 , v. 31 -33a og v 34 – 35

Once a month we update the liturgical calendar so anyone can see when the Mass is celebrated in the church. Mark and I can see that the number of visitors rises towards the weekend, so it’s a useful update. We also have a number of lay people from the congregation who assist during the Mass. They take the 1st. and 2nd. readings and also help the celebrating priest to give Our Lord’s Body and Blood to the faithful. Again the updated calendar also gives which lay people are assisting during the course of the month. We hope you find this information helpful and interesting.


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