First of all a hearty welcome to our homepage. Now a little about our church and its congregation. The church is quite modern, as you can see by looking at the pictures of it in the picture gallery. It was built in the late sixties thanks to the efforts of the German fathers of the Order of Saint Cammilus. We are and always have been very dependent on priests from other countries. We have an active congregation of between 40 – 60 each week; quite a lot for such a little congregation. It’s truely catholic with members coming from all over the world, something which underlines in a wonderful way the word ‘catholic’, again this is something you can see in the pictures.
About the home page its self. It’s not very old, but since so many have a computer we’ve decided to make a home page rather than write a church magazine once a month. It’s quicker, easier to update, more interesting and, as we can see, it can be shared by anybody outside our little parish church thanks to the wonders of the Internet! There are two others who help me: my youngest son Thomas, he’s the computer wizz kid and can sort out any problem which, in my ignorance , I might have made. And then there’s Mark, he is co-editor of the home page and writes articles and takes great pictures of whatever might be happening in the church.
We think that it’s best just to translate the front page of the home page which concentrates on the daily life of the church and the congregation plus ,if you go into the picture gallery link (marked ‘galleri‘), you can also see pictures of all sorts of feasts and celebrations.
So enjoy your visit to our site and if you wish to comment or send something about your own congregation then you are most welcome. I’ll translate it into Danish and put it on.
We would like to give Our Lord’s blessings on all who visit this site.
Thomas, Mark and William.
PS! Don’t forget to click onto ‘Helligåndskirken’ and read more about the priests and the history of the church. Also the link ‘Galleri’ has pictures of the church etc., and ‘Søndags Prædiken’ (Sunday’s Sermon) gives you the chance to read our Parish Priest’s weekly sermon.
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